Monday, July 21, 2008


Yes indeed I have been a slacker. *gasp*
And I now realized that I haven't even been caught up enough to talk about the kiddo's birthday and a few fun events that have gone on in our family adventures.

Let's see Kiddo's b-day was great she had all her good buddies show up and they had a fantastic time of bowling and rocking out to My neighbor Totoro on the screen. A BIG HUGE thank you to Grand Central for making that event as stress free as possible!

(Hard to see but the Bowling alley put a Happy birthday on the screen for her)

(Birthday girl)

(Before we got told "not" to be on the ball machine)

(Cake time)

Photobucket (the god family)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It was fun to watch the kids bowl. Bryn is missing her school friends. I've been a bad mom this summer. We should get the girls together soon.