Monday, April 6, 2009


So on top of a being a slacker I am bored with the design of my page so in the next few weeks I will be messing with it. So heads up if you like or hate something . But basically I am just going to try and keep in a "geek" light of page design.. or is it that I am a geek because I care about the page design?
Let's see the end of the school year is fast approaching and I am once again planning my daughter's birthday party. This year's theme is Fairies and my brother has graciously offered up his back yard for the setting of fairy land. However the trick for me this year I am trying to do this on a budget and as Eco friendly as possible. So for starters the plates will be fallen palm and sugar cane and the utensils bamboo. I am going to sew the cloth napkins . So pretty excited about this. Maybe I'll photograph some sewing and crafting projects.
As for now here's a picture of Morgynnchan's hand made "space invader"


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