Monday, June 22, 2009

Tomorrow's parties

Tomorrow is officially the kiddo's Birthday she turns the mighty 8 .

This is a pretty bittersweet moment for me. Partly because this is the age! All the really amazing things that I remember from childhood came about 8 not to mention that she is officially past that whole little kid age and is now a bigger kid.
All this lead me to look for facts about turning 8 or quips so to speak and I came across this list. 44 things you should do before turning 8.

Here's some of my favorites:
8. Make up a recipe, cook it, and name it. (Bad example: "Anchovy Peanut Butter Surprise.")
31. Experience the strange and wonderful feeling of wandering around one's house alone, very late at night.
24. Realize that you should never outgrow hugging your parents.
22. Realize your parents are just some old kids trying to act grown up.
14. Travel to the moon. Nothing is impossible before you're 8.
19. Write a song, then sing it for three people and one animal. It could be a stuffed animal. But they tend to be more critical than live ones are.

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